Poetry can be intimidating, we get it. Just look at Shakespeare as a case in point. But it doesn't all need to be thee and thy and thumb. Poetry can be more relaxed, accessible and easy to digest. This list of 6 funny poets should get you off the ground while making you chuckle too.
Shel Silverstein: Silverstein's playful and imaginative poetry appeals to readers of all ages. His clever wordplay and whimsical illustrations make his work enjoyable and accessible. 'The Giving Tree' is one of Silverstein's most beloved. It's a narrative poem about a (female) tree which loved a little boy.
Ogden Nash: Nash's light-hearted and witty poems often feature clever rhymes and humorous observations about everyday life. His unique style and wordplay make his poetry a delight to read. 'The Cow' is one of his most well-known poems, even though it's only two lines long!
Billy Collins: Collins' poetry combines humour with insightful observations about the ordinary. His accessible language and relatable themes make his work enjoyable for beginners. Billy Collins' most famous poems include "American Sonnet" (1989), "The Afterlife" (1990), and "The Art of Drowning" (1991).
Dorothy Parker: Known for her sharp wit and satirical style, Parker's poetry often explores themes of love, relationships, and societal norms. Her clever wordplay and biting humour make her work entertaining and thought-provoking. 'The Choice' and 'But Not Forgotten' are two Dorothy Parker poems sometimes cited as the poet's best.
Jack Prelutsky: Prelutsky's humorous poetry for children and adults alike is filled with playful language, silly scenarios, and imaginative characters. His poems are a great choice for those starting out in poetry. Some of his most popular titles include "The New Kid on the Block," "Something Big Has Been Here," and "The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders."
Spike Milligan: a British legend and specialist in children's poetry, Milligan writes a lot of poetry around his childhood and the Second World War, all under the umbrella of a working class kid, and somehow he makes it hilarious. 'On The Ning Nang Nong' by Spike Milligan was published in Silly Verse For Kids in 1959 and was later voted as the UK's favourite comic poem in the late 1990s.
Remember, humour is subjective, and these suggestions are just a starting point. Explore different funny poets and styles to find what tickles your funny bone and let us know who makes you laugh the most!